Monday, March 11, 2013

Grilled Pork Chops with Spicy Pineapple Salsa

Our weather has been back and forth this "winter" season.  Last weekend, we had two gorgeous days of sunshine and warmth.  This weekend... rainy and a high in the 50's!  Okay, I wouldn't change it for the blizzard conditions others are getting, but hey, it's all relative, right?  It was on one of these colder weekends, that I was, of course, craving something summery.  I know.. how can someone that experiences summer pretty much 9 months out of the year, crave summer in the winter?   I asked myself the same thing, and when I answered, I blamed Carol from work.  Sorry, Carol.  It's okay though (trust me!!) .. I mean why I blame her is because of the awesome recipe she shared with me for Hawaiian pulled pork - after I had that, I thought of Hawaii and warm weather and... well.. summer!!  I think everyone in the country might need a little summer on their plate to help them get through another months or so!

Grilled Pork Chops with Spicy Pineapple Salsa
Adapted from BHG Grillin' & Chillin'
- Serves 2 -
Printable Recipe 
2 boneless pork loin chops
Coconut rice (optional)
For the brine -
4 cups water
1 Tablespoons kosher salt
1 Tablespoon granulated sugar
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon black pepper
For the oil mixture -
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
For the salsa -
1 8oz can pineapple chunks, slightly chopped
1 -2 Tablespoons finely chopped orange pepper
1 jalapeno, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon finely chopped parsley
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground cumin

Mix together the water, salt, sugar, garlic and pepper until salt and sugar has dissolved.  Place the pork chops in a resealable bag and pour the brine over it.  Seal and place in refrigerator for at least 2 hours.  Remove from brine and thoroughly rinse under cool water.

Meanwhile, make the salsa by mixing all ingredients together in a bowl until well combined.  Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

In a small bowl, mix together the olive oil, thyme, pepper, and lemon juice.  Brush both sides of each pork chop with mixture; set aside.

Preheat grill to 375 degrees F.  Clean and oil grill grates.  Place the pork over direct heat and grill for 4-5 minutes per side or until the pork registers an internal temperature of 145 degrees F.  Remove and allow to rest for 5 minutes.  Serve with salsa and coconut rice.  Enjoy!

One Year Ago:  Baked Lemon Breadcrumb Tilapia
Two Years Ago:  Guest Blogger: Creamy Avocado Pasta
Three Years Ago:  Bacon & Tomato Pasta


  1. You are up to your usual delicious tricks. The brine only needs to be 2 cups of water for 2 chops, and should be 2 Tbs of kosher salt. There I go again, didactic little MF that I am.

  2. Pork and pineapple ... we always think of applesauce with pork, but ham and pineapple are perfect together, so why not??? And when it's rainy and dreary, you've absolutely gotta do something to brighten the day! This is an ideal solution ... :)

  3. Looks delicious, Jenn. This weekend we had Hawaiian pulled pork - kinda similar but different. lol

  4. I love the pineapple salsa Jenn. And more than that I love that this recipe has pantry ingredients making it idea for a week day dinner. Pinning this bad boy for future use!

  5. Hi Jenn! I love this combination savoury, sweet, spicy, tart.. My kinda dish. It looks great! I've been loving our weather lately although confusing right! :)

  6. I don't get overly excited about pork chops often, but this salsa definitely kicks things up for me!!


  7. You are so creative when it comes to meat!! I love the sound of this - delicious marinade and fabulous salsa - wonderful meal!
    Mary x

  8. This really is perfect for the days ahead. I make a mean pulled pork but that salsa is something I hadn't thought of. That's why we have friends :-). have a great day, Jenn. Blessings...Mary

  9. Nice! I am craving summer too and these pork chops will do nicely. Great recipe Jenn.

  10. The salsa sounds like a fine complement to the chops.

  11. You are doing a lot of Hawaiian food...are you SURE you aren't planning to come to our May blogger party? ;)

    PS: Ready for the **** to hit the fan tonight or do you think they'll string it out to next week's Walking Dead to leave us with a bang up Season Finale?

    #woodburysucks, #carl&bethforeva, #miltonisamommasboy


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