Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chipotle and Ranch Grilled Chicken

I may have mentioned this before, but Chris is a fan of Ranch dressing.  He could pretty much put it on anything - actually, he does put it on just about anything - although with my sauce creations, he will usually keep the Ranch dressing bottle off the table (which is good for his health, let me tell you! lol)  When I saw this recipe on Mary's site, I knew I was going to have to make it.  Of course, I couldn't help but change things up a bit so that I could make it on the grill.  And talk about a simple meal to throw together - couldn't get much easier than this - and the taste was crazy good!!

Chipotle Ranch Grilled Chicken
Adapted from Mary, Barefeet in the Kitchen
- Serves 2 -
Printable Recipe 
2 Tablespoons chipotle puree (I open the can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, pour it all into a food processor and puree away - leftovers can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 1 month)
1/4 cup Ranch dressing (homemade or store bought)
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Mix the ranch and chipotle puree together until well combined.  Rinse chicken and pat dry with a paper towel.  Place in resealable bag or shallow dish and pour marinade over. Seal and place in refrigerator for at least 2 hours or up to 8 hours.

Preheat grill to 375 degrees F.  Clean and oil grill grates.  Remove chicken from bag and discard marinade (I made another batch of the marinade so that we could use it as a dipping sauce).  Place chicken over direct heat and grill 6-10 minutes per side or until the chicken has reached an internal temperature of 165 degrees F.  Remove and allow to rest for 3-5 minutes.  Serve with ranch dressing if desired.  Enjoy!

One Year Ago:  Thai Cashew Nut Shrimp
Two Years Ago:  Grilled Ranch Chicken


  1. That does sound good! I sometimes marinade chicken in creamy italian dressing, never tried ranch.

  2. I thought that recipe sounded very good as well and like you I would have headed for the grill - I believe our oven still works.

  3. Thanks for the mention, Jenn. This is definitely a perfect grilling recipe! That sauce was SO good. I am making the chipotle chicken again this weekend. Great minds clearly think alike. Have a blessed day!

  4. I usually mix my homemade salsa with ranch dressing to stretch it out - never thought of using chipotle sauce with ranch though - genius!!

  5. Looks wonderful! And that reminds me, I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer last night and put it in the refrig to thaw. I hope there's still time...

  6. For some reason I can't recall I have 1/2 a bottle of ranch dressing in the fridge. And for any another reason I can't recall I haven't restocked our supply of chipotle in adobe in quite a while. It's on the shopping list now!!!

  7. This looks so good. Love the sauce a lot.

  8. Must make! I love ranch too! Love, more than anybody ever should.

  9. My kids love ranch too. I am loving the sound of this kicked up version of ranch... YUM!

  10. How awesome would this be as chicken tacos and then using that sauce on top? Excellente!


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