Monday, July 18, 2011

Mediterranean Steaks

First, I have to say thank you.  Thank you all so much for your love and support regarding my post on Friday.  I knew it was silly to feel the way I did, but hey, that's just how I am sometimes.  Thank you all for understanding!!  Blogging life doesn't seem so daunting this week... thank you!!

What I loved the most about this steak was the salty goodness the feta cheese brought to it.  It was perfect.  So perfect, this self-proclaimed sauce girl officially declares, no sauce is needed!  Add the buttery richness of the avocado and this steak ranks right up there as one of my top picks.  The original recipe called for only marinating the steaks for 30 minutes.  The only reason you can get away with this is by putting the feta on top of it.  I wanted more flavor in my steaks so I let them sit for 4 hours. You can do whatever you choose if you decide to make this... and you should really decide to make it!!

Mediterranean Steaks
Adapted from Better Homes and Gardens
Printable Recipe 
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1 Tablespoons chopped fresh oregano
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 lb top sirloin steaks
4 oz feta cheese, crumbled
1 avocado, sliced

In a small bowl, add the smoked and sweet paprika, brown sugar and oregano.  Slowly stir in the olive oil.  Rub mixture over both sides of the steaks, cover, and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.

Preheat grill to 400 degrees F.  Place the steaks directly over the fire and grill until cooked to your desired doneness, (rare: 125-130F, medium: 130-140F, med well: 150-155F) about 4-8 minutes per side (depending on thickness).  Top with feta cheese in the last 2 minutes of grilling.  Remove steaks from the grill and allow to rest for 5 minutes.  Top with avocado slices and serve.  Enjoy!

One Year Ago:  Not Quite Heinz 57 Marinade for Steaks


  1. I've never thought of topping steaks with avocado.

  2. look at that perfectly pink steak... now that's got to cheer anyone up!

  3. Looks like a nice way to dress a steak.

  4. There you go again, being a cook we all should emulate. My only problem is the absence of a grill.

  5. Steak and avocado....I adore the combination. The steak looks perfectly done.

  6. That is exactly how I like my steak! Plus, feta and avocado are my favorites. YUM

  7. Three fabulous foods all put together: steak, feta and avocado ... sigh ... :) What an excellent meal!!!

  8. Now you've gone & done it Jenn...feta AND avocado on steak? If I didn't love you already I certainly would after this one :) 2 of my favorite things on one of my favorite cuts of meat?!?! What a great idea!! Yum doesn't even begin to describe how good that sounds.

  9. You KNOW I am loving this one!

  10. That is one beautiful steak Jenn. Love the feta and avocado topping too.

  11. This sounds fetalicious! I love the salty tang that feta brings. Great job, Jenn!


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