Saturday, March 19, 2011

Is it ice cream or is it cake?

So a good friend of mine from Nebraska, Susan, is a baking goddess.  I say this because she is forever baking dozens of cookies at a time.  She seems to be always making yummy snacks for co-workers, for her son Josh to take to school, for bake sales, etc.  Well, a few weeks ago (maybe it's been longer then that), she mentioned that she was going out to pick up a kit for making cake pops.  Cake pops?  What?  Never heard of it.  Of course, I mentioned this to a couple people at work and they all looked at me like I had two heads.  How could I NOT have heard of cake pops before?  Geez!! :)

Anyway, she mentioned Thursday morning that she had to go home and make cake pop ice cream cones, as Josh wanted to bring something extra special for his teacher for her birthday.  I was interested to see what they looked like, so I forced her to send me some pictures of the final product.  I really didn't know what to expect.... I opened the email and was greeted with these:

OMG aren't those fantastic?  Not that I doubted she could do them, but I have to admit, I was amazed how how incredibly good they looked.  I mean, this was her first time making them.  I don't know about you, but my shit never comes out that fantastic on the first try.  At least not anything I have to decorate with icing!!  I whole heartily believe she could enter a contest with these and blow the competition away!

Anyway... I just HAD to share these with you.  And I thank Susan so very much for allowing me to post these pictures!  Maybe one day I'll actually do something like this.... Then again, maybe one day I'll just have Susan do it for me!!

Have a fantastic weekend! 

One Year Ago:  Baked Dijon Tilapia with Crumb Crust


  1. They turned out really awesome!! I've made cupcakes in ice cream cones before but never thought about a cake ball AS the ice cream in a cone. thinks the Witch may borrow this idea for an upcoming birthday party for my niece :) Susan did an incredible job!!!

  2. err... I never heard of cake pops too. They look awesome though. Have a nice weekend to you too Jenn.

  3. This looks awesome! Ice cream or cake, I don't really care because it looks totally delicious...:D)!!

  4. Please Lord, let her kid be in my class one day.

  5. They are so cool! That is one lucky kid!!!

  6. my wife saw cake pops for the first time at starbucks yesterday and was amazed, so don't feel bad...they just seem like a lot of work to give me a big slice of cake!
    My girls love cupcake cones, although I always use the flat bottom ones since they sit in my muffin pans much easier....

    hope you are having a wonderful weekend

  7. She really is good! I'm impressed and her little guy must have been thrilled. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  8. dude, I need a recipe with step by steps...I think a guest post is in need! ha

  9. Very cool! Do you think Susan would make them for me too?
    Hope you are having a great weekend :-)

  10. Those cake pops are amazing!!! I have no decorating skill AT ALL, so I am completely in awe. Of course, it doesn't take any decorating skill to make BBQ pork pizza, either, and I'm in awe (and in desperate need) of that, too!!!


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