Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sometimes you just gotta break the rules!!!

So yesterday morning I woke up to this wonderful email from Alex over at Ma What's For Dinner?  She had some very nice things to say to me and well...she also honored me with the Beautiful Blogger award!  Thank you so much Alex, it's always amazing to me to be recognized by my fellow bloggers.  It's hard to believe sometimes that people really dig my blog.  I keep forgetting that it's not only just friends and family reading anymore.  I really never know what to say about receiving this sort of honor..I mean nothing more then thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!  I found Alex and her blog through Tuesday Tag-Along and am extremely happy that I did.  If you are a blogger, it's a great way to find new sites and of course to have more people check out your site.  I mean  you never know who you are gonna find right?  It just might be someone that is so impressed that they honor you with an award!! YAY!!!  Thanks again Alex...I'm deeply honored and humbled!

****I also have to thank Yenta Mary over at Food Floozie for the honor also!  She awarded me with this beautiful award this morning (Sunday).  Thank you so much!!  I am honored by your recognition too.  I am feeling very humbled yet again this morning!!!****

Now there are rules to winning this award....but because today is Saturday and because I'm a Libra and because sometimes rules are meant to be broken...I'm going to do something a bit out of the ordinary.  I've actually received this award before...not that it takes anything away from being honored's just that....well... I had the hardest time picking from such wonderful sites. So instead of honoring just 10 bloggers, I'd like to honor all of you that visit my site.  Yes, yes, I know this may seem like the cheesy... oops, I mean easy way out, but it's what I want to do.  It's hard to pick from such a large selection of amazingly beautiful bloggers and blogs.

So today, my award goes out to YOU.  You are not only a beautiful blogger, but you are a beautiful person.  Thank you for your loyal following, thank you for the recipes you share with me, thank you for your inspirations.

Once again, a HUGE thanks goes out to Alex... I hope I didn't disappoint you by breaking the rules :)  And by the way, Ma, what IS for dinner??  

Jenn copy of Planet Barbecue has finally arrived!!!  Thank you Foodie Blogroll!!! I'm so excited to find and share yummy recipes from it...but be patient, It's a big book and I already have this weeks menu planned :)
Future posts will include recipes such as Grilled Chicken with Yogurt, Hot Pepper, and Garlic; The Real Jamaican Jerk Pork; Steak with Marchand de Vin Sauce; Grilled Pita Bread; Jose Andres Grilled Bread with stay's gonna be a grill fest summer for sure!


  1. Grats on the award for your second round! :o)

  2. Congrats Jenn :) Looking forward to your grill fest summer fo sho :)

  3. Way to go Jenn! You deserve this one ten times over! You are such a devoted and talented blogger, dear girl. Cheers to you!

  4. Congrats on the award! It is always nice to be recognized as an inspiring blogger. You do have a beautiful blog!

  5. Oh, I think I'm tearing up!!! Sniff sniff. I do have a soft spot for rule breakers!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner


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