Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Honey Tabasco Grilled Pork Chops

Well, I'm back.... I'm back and refreshed and ready to face whatever life has to throw at me.  And while I'm waiting for that.... I thought I would share this simple, delicious and a little bit spicy recipe with you.  This quick marinade/glaze would work on chicken and beef too... I mean, come on, it's Tabasco and honey, it can pretty much go with anything!

Honey Tabasco Grilled Pork Chops
Created by Jenn's Food Journey
Printable Recipe 
3 cups water
2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 garlic clove, minced
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 boneless pork loin chops
2 Tablespoons honey
2 teaspoons Tabasco
2 garlic cloves, finely minced

In a large measuring cup, add the water, salt, sugar, garlic and red pepper flakes.  Stir until salt and sugar and dissolved.  Place the pork in a resealable bag in a bowl or shallow dish and pour brine mixture over them.  Seal bag and place in fridge for 2 hours.  Remove pork from brine and rinse thoroughly with cool water.  Pat dry and set aside.

Preheat grill to 375 degrees F.  Clean and oil grill grates.  In a small bowl, mix together the honey, Tabasco and garlic.  Brush both sides of the pork with mixture and place directly over the fire.  Grill 4 minutes, brush and flip pork.  Brush the grilled side with mixture and grill another 4 minutes or until the pork reaches an internal temperature of 140-145 degrees F.  Brush with remaining mixture and remove from grill.  Allow to cook for 4 minutes.  Serve and enjoy!

One Year Ago:  Chinese Barbecued Pork
Two Years Ago:  Vanilla Ice Cream 


  1. Hurrah! You did a brine. Oh, and welcome home.

  2. Looks wonderful, and I know Kevin would love this. No matter what I make, he tends to go to the refrig for the bottle of hot sauce. :-)

  3. This sounds great. I like the sound of the honey and tobasco together on the pork! I never think of porkchops and this is tempting me to change that soon. I'm glad you enjoyed the break. Have a GREAT day!

  4. Welcome back, hope your time away was nice :) This chop looks tasty and juicy. Diggin' the sweet spicy combo here.

  5. I just noticed that you brought the pork to an absolutely perfect temp. Brava.

  6. Welcome back! This looks so good. I love a good marinade - adding this one to the list!

  7. I hope you had a nice break. These chops look and sound tasty!

  8. Sweet 'n' spicy - I love it! Welcome back ... :)

  9. The pork looks really succulent and tender!

  10. Welcome back! you really do have a way with meat!
    Mary x

  11. The combination of flavors sounds great!

  12. I do like those grill marks. I also like your recipe. I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  13. Welcome back Jenn! Pork, tobacco and honey??? A big yum.

  14. Ooh... That just looks sublime! Fantastic. Gotta love the grill marks too :)

  15. I've been behind in reading, but this sounds very good

  16. mmm sweet n spicy! Sounds like a winner :)

  17. Okay, I wouldn't have tried that rub/marinade combo because I would have thought all the sugars would make it burn. Boy I was wrong, it looks beautiful, Jenn.

    PS: Welcome back.


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