Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Homemade Cherry Mash

I know that with all the recipes I have posted highlighting my Christmas favorites, I have stated that they have been one of my, well, favorites, but this one... this Cherry Mash...this was what I waited all year for!  Cherry Mash IS Christmas to me.  I know for sure that my cousin Cortney felt the same way!  There was something about the cherry fudge bottom and the fudgy-peanuty top that was better than anything else on that Christmas goody tray.

The original Cherry Mash is a candy bar consisting of a soft cherry flavored center covered in a mixture of peanuts and chocolate.  This homemade version is a recipe that can be found on the back of cherry chip packages.
The biggest problem with these little goodies?  It's hard to find cherry chips.  Surprisingly, I can't seem to find them in the big metropolis that I live in, but every now and than my mom can find them.  So she will usually buy a few bags and send them to me and I just keep them stored in the freezer until I'm ready to use them.  So if you want to make these and you can find the cherry chips...stock up on them, just in case!

Now if you are allergic to peanuts or don't like cherry, this will definitely not be the candy for you.  But if you can dig on cherry flavor and peanuts make you jive (not give you hives), than you need to make this...heck, so what if you have everything planned for Christmas.  Make it for New Year's, or better yet, just make it to make it.  I promise you will not be sorry! 

Homemade Cherry Mash
Recipe courtesy my Grandma Phyllis
Printable Recipe 
16 large marshmallows (I used about 30-35 mini marshmallows)
2/3 cups (1 small can) evaporated milk
2 cups sugar
1 10oz bag cherry chips
1 12oz bag chocolate chips
3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1 cup chopped no skin peanuts (my grandma used salted, I used unsalted)

In a saucepan, bring marshmallows, evaporated milk, and sugar to a boil.  Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.  Add the cherry chips and stir until melted.  Pour into greased 9 x 13-inch pan. (you will need to work fast, this should start setting quickly.)

Melt chocolate chips and peanut butter over low heat or in a double broiler.  Stir in chopped peanuts.  Pour over cherry mixture and refrigerate until set.  Cut into small squares.  Enjoy!


  1. The mash has a wonderful color that's just perfect for the holidays. I've never seen the cherry chips but will certainly be looking for them now I know they exist. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  2. So pretty!! I see cherry chips here often, let me know next time you need some :) Sounds like this fudge would be a hit with the kiddo's for sure!!

  3. Very pretty... but, yes, I'm in that "allergic to nuts" group.

  4. Oh, those look so good!!! I don't know that I've ever seen cherry chips ... a new mission to go on!

  5. This mash looks wonderful! I love the combination of flavors.

  6. Oh how cool, Ihave never heard of this. I think it looks festive and sounds yummy

  7. Ok, for real, I've never heard of this! Looks spectacular!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  8. Not sure I have seen cherry chips before. Can I substitute the cherry wood chips I have out with the grills ? (ha ha ha, not unless I want a lot of fiber with dessert)

    These look great, Jenn. Now I just have to find the chips.

  9. I heard you can substitute vanilla chips & add cherry flavoring if you can't find cherry chips.

  10. Finding the cherry chips is sometimes a problem... Yet there is a way to make them .. I think you can make them somehow with cherry cake mix and also a way to make them with cherry frosting. Seems I did the cherry cake mix years ago but when I googled I found one with cherry frosting. http://www.justapinch.com/recipes/dessert/candy/cherry-mash-candy.html

  11. Thank you for sharing this recipe! Cherry Mash candy bars were my favorite until I developed an allergy to peanuts and tree nuts. I made your recipe with the following substitutions: instead of cherry chips, I used Guittard brand white chocolate chips and 1/2 tsp LorAnn cherry flavoring. Sunbutter instead of peanut butter and sunflower seeds instead of peanuts. They turned out great. Thank you again!

  12. HI Yvonne.. sorry to hear about your allergies to peanuts, but thanks for the tip on how to change it up to make it for those who are!! I appreciate your input.

  13. Cherry Chips are carried by HyVee stores, and about the only time I have seen them is during the holidays, so I usually buy extras and freeze them when they are available.

  14. My aunt nett use to make this when I was a kid...we kids got into trouble because the pan of it came up empty ..great memories with the cherry mash !! I can find the cherry chips at alberstons


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