Saturday, October 30, 2010

Potato Leek Soup with Poblano and Bacon

Believe it or not, this is a redux recipe.  I made a Leek Potato Soup way back in February.  I didn't have many followers back then, so I thought I would do a redux.  This soup is slightly different then the one I originally's definitely worth sharing....I mean it's got bacon and poblano peppers in can that be a bad thing???

We haven't had what most people would consider fall weather, but it is definitely as fall as we really get here in the desert.  The days have been in the 80's and then nights have fallen into the high 50's and low 60's.  With the cool down we are having, I have been craving, creamy, comforting soups!  I made this over the weekend that I participated in our office move.  My body ached and it just sounded like the best thing.  This soup was perfect for that.  Not only was it comforting and warming, but it was incredibly easy and you can never go wrong with easy!

Potato Leek Soup with Poblano and Bacon
Adapted from Rick Bayless
Printable Recipe 
1 large poblano chili
8 slices thick-sliced bacon, diced
2-3 large leeks, thinly sliced (white and pale green part only)
3 large Yukon potatoes, peeled and diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
4 cups chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/4-1/2 milk or cream

Roast the poblano over an open flame or 4-inches below a broiler, turning regularly until blistered and blackened all over, about 5 minutes for open flame and 10 minutes for broiler.  Place in bowl and cover with plastic wrap.  Let cool until you are able to handle them.  Rub/pull the blackened skin off, pull out the stem and seed pod.  Cut into small dice and set aside.

Place the diced bacon in a large stockpot or dutch oven over medium high heat and cook until the bacon is crispy.  Remove from the pot and place on a paper towel lined plate to cool.  Leave 2 tablespoons of bacon grease in the pot.  Add the leeks and cook until softened, about 5-10 minutes.  Add the potatoes, garlic, stock and thyme, bring it back to a boil, then lower the heat to medium low and cook for about 20 minutes or until the potatoes are completely soft.

Using an immersion blender or countertop blender (you'll have to do it in batches if you use the countertop blender), puree the soup until smooth.  Slowly stir in the cream and then the diced poblano.  Bring the soup back to a simmer and cook for 5 more minutes so that all the flavors meld together.  Taste and season with salt and pepper.  Spoon into bowls and top with crispy bacon pieces.  Enjoy!!

***Today is Andrea the Kitchen Witch's birthday...stop on by her site and wish her happy birthday!!***

***Also, don't forget to check out The Great Cover Song Challenge over on Chris's site.  Vote for your favorite song, your favorite vocal, and the best interpretation!  There is some true talent in this contest, it might be hard to choose!!***


  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes Jenn :) You are awesome!

    The soup, oh the soup!!! Potato and poblano pepper? Shut up!! and bacon?? Really? HOLY COW that sounds so good! and you know what really bites, I had 3 poblanos here and threw them into compost cause they got fuzzy unbeknownst to me - all before I was able to make this soup. Darn it all! That's ok, I'll be getting more poblanos soon for this. Must make soup!!!!!

  2. I, too, have been craving soup. Got an idea for something really wacky - soon. lol

  3. This is one of my favorite fall/winter soups, adn I love your addition of poblano chilis for a little added spice. Looks so delicious, Jenn!

  4. Sounds like a first rate soup. Bacon and poblanos just make it even better.

  5. Sounds delicious - kinda like a southern, southwestern vichyssoise. I'll have to try it.

  6. Sounds like a good combination! Just dug the potatoes today and we've got poblanos in the freezer! Might have to hunt far and wide to find leeks, however. This recipe is undoubtedly worth it. :-)


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