Monday, December 20, 2010

My Grandma's Fudge

I have so many great memories of growing up right next door to both of my grandmas.  I don't think I realized how fortunate I was to have both of them living so close to me until I was older.  I feel very fortunate for that now!  Around Christmas time, my grandma Phyllis (my mom's mom), would make loads and loads of goodies for her Christmas goody tray.  She would make most of the stuff at least a month in advance (I'm sure even longer but you know how time doesn't matter when you are a kid!) and then keep it in the freezer.  Well, all but this goody...this fudge.  YUM!  Fudge was never something I could sneak.  Believe me, we would sneak a lot of the candy she had in the basement freezer, but the fudge, that was under lock and key.  Well, ok, not really, but the way she made it, she left it in blocks until she was ready to serve it, so sneaking a piece here and there was never really an least not an easy one :)

Now I'm older and I don't have to sneak anything anymore, I can just make it myself!  I couldn't wait to make my grandma's fudge this year for Christmas.  I know I can make it any time of the year, but it always seems to fit so well this time of the year, so it's a must make!  This is a very simple recipe that I'm sure was found on the back of some package, but today, I'm only giving props to the woman who I got it from... my grandma!  This is a wonderful fudge for the holidays....simple and absolutely delicious!

My Grandma's Fudge
From the kitchen of my grandma Phyllis
Printable Recipe 
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, sliced
1 12oz bag chocolate chips (the better the quality chocolate the better the fudge, but I'm sure my grandma used Nestle's or something along those lines and her fudge was still amazing!!)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
2 cups sugar
2/3 cup evaporated milk
10 large marshmallows, quartered (or 40 mini marshmallows)

Line a loaf pan with parchment or wax paper; set aside.

Place the butter, chocolate chips, vanilla, and walnuts if you are using them, into a bowl.

In a saucepan over medium heat, bring the sugar, evaporated milk and marshmallows to a boil.  Boil for exactly 6 minutes, stirring constantly. (You may need to adjust your heat so you do not burn the mixture)  Pour boiling mixture into bowl with chocolate chips.  Mix until the chips and butter have melted.  Pour into prepared pan.  Refrigerate overnight or until set.  Enjoy!


  1. Sneaking treats from Grandma is always part of the fun ;-)

    My grandfather and I used to sneak cookie dough!!

    This fudge looks delicious!

  2. Oh Jenn, this looks heavenly! And it has marshmallows in it, too? Wowza. It must taste light as air (which is a dangerous thing when it comes to fudge, hah)! Thank you so much for sharing this great recipe from your grandma Phyllis. I bet it tastes even more scrumptious than it looks!

  3. Does every Grandma make fudge? I think it's part of the Grandma pact they sign.

    I think we are going to try the eggnog bread tonight. Can't wait!

  4. Must wipe drool off of keyboard. Yum!

  5. This is similar to my mom's recipe, she has been making it for as long as i can remember, and it is absolutly delicious!! I have my own recipe, but every now and then, i prefer to have some like my Mom always makes.

  6. This fudge is the way fudge is supposed to be made, at least the way I know it for Christmas time :) Thank you for sharing your Grandma's recipe, I think I'll make a batch for my treat plates, too!!

  7. Now using marshmallows is a different spin on things, instead of using Fluff. Your Grandma's fudge looks absolutely DIVINE!!! I would gorge on it, in blissful ecstasy, if it were anywhere near me right now ... :)

  8. Oh boy. I am drooling. What a perfect Christmas treat!! And I love reading about your grandmas - you were a lucky girl indeed!

  9. YUM! Isn't it great to be an adult :)

  10. This looks wonderfully light and chocolatey. Evaporated milk always gives me a stomach ache, though so I never make fudge. (I am lactose intolerant but I can handle a cup or so of milk without a problem. But the evaporated milk just kills me.) You don't happen to have any substitutes, do you? I assume the evaporated milk is essential.

  11. These fudges look heavenly! I actually have some marshmallows waiting to be finish up. :-))

  12. Rivki - I do not know of a non-dairy substitute that would work like evap milk. I don't suppose they make a condensed soy milk at all do they? The problem with using anything thinner than evaporated milk would be that the fudge might not set. You could possibly use a non-dairy powder and just mix in enough water to give it the consistency of evaporated milk. Or maybe use soy and add more marshmallows to help it thicken up? Sorry, I doubt that helped at all!

  13. I'm such a sucker for fudge, I'm printing this one off, too, and adding it to my "to do" list this week. :)

  14. Thanks for trying, Jenn. Fudge is one of the few things I just haven't found a good lactose-free version of. Oh, well. Thanks anyway. I may have to resign myself to a fudge-free-existence (which is VERY sad). Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog!

  15. Well fudge me!

    I can't imagine how lucky it would be to grow up next to both sets of your grandparents!

    Bookmarked the recipe to try, Jenn. Thanks for posting!


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