Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fish Sandwiches with Jalapeno Slaw

As many fish recipes that you see on my blog, you will take note that none of them have been fried like this.  Oh, my word, guess this is why I don't fry fish all the time...it was to die for!  Oh yea, baby, there really is nothing like a piece of well fried fish.  Put it on a toasted roll and top it with some jalapeno slaw and you have one of the best meals we've had in a while!  Ok, I know that the fish being fried is what makes it...but damn, sometimes you just gotta break through those worries of fried goodness and partake.....and partake we did!!!  YUM!  Although our house carried a slight lingering fried food smell for days after I made this, it was well worth it.  And let's not forget the jalapeno slaw.... what needs to be said for such a spicy little side dish? It was wonderful!  Spicy, creamy, perfect!  Now, I put my slaw on top of my fish, but Chris had his on the side.  Either way, it was the perfect compliment to this delicious fish sandwich.

Fish Sandwiches with Jalapeno Slaw
Adapted from Food Network Magazine, November 2010
Printable Recipe 
1 cup milk
salt and pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
4 tilapia fillets
3/4 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 Tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 Tablespoons pickled jalapenos, diced
1 Tablespoon juice from pickled jalapenos
1 package coleslaw mix (you can chop your own cabbage, but I was lazy)
oil for frying (vegetable or peanut)
4 soft hoagie rolls

Place milk in shallow dish big enough to hold the fish and season with salt, pepper, and cayenne.  Add the fish and let soak until you are ready to fry them.  Put the cornmeal and flour in another shallow dish; season with salt and pepper.

In a large bowl, combine the mayo, Dijon, jalapenos, and juice.  If you want some of that "mayo" to slap on your sandwich like we did, reserve about 2 tablespoons of the mixture.  Now, pour the coleslaw mix into the large bowl and toss to coat.  Season with salt and pepper; set aside.

Heat about 2 inches (you might want to go just a little less) of vegetable oil in a large pot or dutch oven.  When oil has reached 350 degrees, remove the fish from the milk, dredge in cornmeal mixture to coat.  Carefully lower the fish into the oil and allow to fry until golden brown, about 3-4 minutes on each side.  Remove from oil and allow to drain on a paper towel lined plate or wire rack (I recommend the wire rack so that the breading doesn't stick to the paper towel).  Toast hoagie rolls if desired.  Serve jalapeno slaw on the sandwich or on the side.  Either way... Enjoy!


  1. Now that is a perfect fish sandwich! I can eat that anytime....

  2. I think I would want my slaw on the fish also. That sounds so good and would give it a nice little crunch and squeak factor. YUM.

  3. I'd even try that fish sandwich :) Fry pretty much anything & I'm your girl LOL! Looks delicious, the slaw on top is a great idea, I bet it really helps cut thru the fried heaviness, too. Yum!

  4. I'm with you - fried fish! Yummo! Do you think it would work to shallow fry? In other words, just enough oil to fry one side at a time? I know Peter will get behind the idea of my making this for lunch.

  5. I love slaw with fish tacos so I am sure I would love it on this sandwich. Your fish looks crispy and perfect!

  6. Mmm, this looks delicious. And perfect too! Love the tots with it. :)

    I'm sure the slaw is so refreshing with the fried fish.

  7. I am soooo craving that right now!!! I'm coming over!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  8. Every part of that both looks and sounds amazing! I would put the slaw on the fish, too ... :)

  9. This looked so good that I'm making this dish now. I made extra slaw sauce as I like mine a little wetter and to have more for the sandwiches. I am also shallow frying the fish.

  10. That's as perfect as a sandwich can get. It really looks delicious. I hope you are having a great day. The slaw is inspired. Blessings...Mary

  11. This is a dandy looking sandwich - we're big fish sandwich fans.

  12. I'm not into fish but I'd definitely gorge on some of that jalapeno slaw!


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