Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tilapia in Jalapeno Cream Sauce

Do you like creamy goodness?  Do you enjoy a little kick with your meal?  Well, then, grab a chair and come sit at our table.  This fish turned out to be so wonderful.  It was creamy and spicy and melted in your mouth.  And let's not forget know how much I love that in a recipe! Ok, ok, so it's not the healthiest thing I have posted lately, but come on, sometimes you just got to indulge!  And indulge is exactly what we did.  Decadent .. heavenly ... fiery.... yes, those would be words I would use to describe this dish. Any questions?

Tilapia in Jalapeno Cream Sauce
Printable Recipe 
4 Tilapia fillets
Salt and pepper
1 Tablespoon unsalted butter
1/4 sweet onion, finely diced
1-2 large jalapeno peppers, finely diced
1/2 cup heavy cream
2-3 oz queso fresco cheese
1 Tablespoon freshly chopped parsley

In a heavy skillet, over medium heat, add the butter and the diced onions.  Let cook for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until soft and almost starting to brown.  Add the jalapeno and cook another 2 minutes, or until the pepper has softened.  Add the cream and bring to a simmer.  Add the queso fresco and let melt. Season with salt and pepper.

Pat the fish dry, then season with salt and pepper.  Add the fish to the skillet and spoon the sauce over the top.  Cover and cook for 6-8 minutes or until the fish flakes easily with a fork - there's no need to flip the fish, just keep spooning the hot sauce over it every once in a while.  Sprinkle with fresh parsley and enjoy!


  1. I would love to lick the plate clean to savour every single bite of this gorgeous tilapia dish!

  2. I love the spice against this very mild fish. It sounds wonderful. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  3. One of these days I'm gonna actually buy some tilapia so I can try your delicious fish dishes! this looks delicious, I love the spicy cream sauce idea. Sometimes is good to be bad :)

  4. Were you going for "fiery"? Does that mean you didn't seed the jalapeno. I don't know what it is about today, but I'm craving hot, hot, hot. I'm reminded of the line from the movie "Airplane": "I like my coffee like my men - hot and black". (My apologies to your other followers.)

  5. That looks soooooooooooooo good. I'm super excited because I have tilapia in the freezer right now, and this week when I went to the farmer's market I impulsively grabbed a jalapeno, thinking, I'll find some reason for this! Think I just did. :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. Yes and yes. Save me a chair! And with cooler weather that means we need more calories, right?

  7. See? What did I tell you? Your fish ALWAYS looks fabulous!!

  8. Tried this dish on my husband this evening. I used one whole jalapeno seeds and all. My husbands response was "WOW" We could make this in our restaurant! (future restaurant) Thanks for the recipe, will definetly make this regularly.

  9. Anonymous.. that's fantastic to hear! You know the only thing I ask is that if you start our own restaurant and this gets on the menu that you make sure I know about it :)

  10. I'm a college student the only things i had left in my fridge was everthing for the recipe and it turned out great

  11. Fraw-st - I'm so glad you liked it.. and I love that it's even something a college student can throw together. I do remember those days - mainly I had Ramon noodles and Kraft Mac & Cheese!! :)


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